Internet speeds up to 1000 Mbit/second? Sounds like a dream of the future, but with fiber optics it is already a reality. In an explanatory film for the company Glasfaser Nordwest, trias used a combination of real images and 3D animations to explain how these speeds are brought to the streets and then to users' homes.
'Optical fiber is the future.' - This is the motto under which Glasfaser Nordwest is pursuing its goal of creating a future-proof infrastructure in northwest Germany through optical fiber expansion. To achieve this, 1.5 million households will be provided with fiber optics by 2030.
The first job, a new vocational training program or even a change of study? As different as the young people are, as varied are the question marks above their heads.
Gigantic construction vehicles, work at sometimes breathtaking heights and new challenges every day characterize the day-to-day work of a bridge construction engineer.
With "What's On", trias produced a web video format for Screenforce that takes a vivid look at topics relating to television and moving image advertising.
The European funding program LEADER has been providing support and successful implementation of innovative projects and initiatives in Rhineland-Palatinate for many years; with a flexible, sustainable approach that reaches rural areas and regions directly and strengthens social unity.
The survey tool "Love2Say" allows users to express their opinions and influence how companies design their products and services. The reward is points that can be redeemed for rewards. A great side effect: a donation of the points supports the RTL foundation "Wir helfen Kindern" (We help children).