What does an examiner for vocational training professions actually do? How do you become an examiner? And why should you become an examiner at all? In order to answer these and many other questions for new examiners and to promote the examiner profession, trias has produced a seven-part series of informative and entertaining films for the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (bibb).
Both established and prospective examiners describe their everyday life as examiners, how they got there and what they particularly like about it. A humorous narrator guides the viewer through the film, which is supplemented by appealing exam scenes from professions in various sectors.
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (bibb)
Film series "Examiner films"
Conception, Planning, Shooting, Postproduction
trias GmbH
Philipp Bank, Oliver Haroun
Rainer Friedrich, Michael Jörg, Jens Berthold
Esther Bittniok, Chantal Willing, Lukas Hildner